Well I dunno if he is an anti-christ. There never is a specification that there is a singular anti christ and they are often pluralized. There's a pretty low bar to be an anti christ and they aren't particularly a big deal. Basically according to script anybody who denies Jesus as being the son of God is an anti-christ and that's pretty common. Any given day you'll encounter a half dozen anti-christs. "The Antichrist" as in the one big one though isn't super specified in character and there's a bunch of options of not goodos who could fill the role
There is a separate nasty called the “the man of sin” and “son of perdition.” supposedly he will come at a time of a general apostasy, deceive people with signs and wonders, sit in the temple of God, and claim to be God himself. And a "Little Horn" (which I am not unconvinced just is a reference to a tiny dick) setting himself in the wing of a temple acting as though he is a divine authority and causing devistation of the Holy land... Which could fit?
We assume omnipotence from Gods but it's not wholly true. Most gods out in the world of myth are limited in their reach and ability. If they are in a pantheon then often that implies that they have no direct power over each other and thus they are not all powerful.
Interestingly omnicence or omnipresence is not something claimed even by the monotheistic religions. No God is actually all seeing. Plenty of times in script things have been hidden from God or something has to be told to God to bring it to his attention.
This has nothing to do with his dick persay... Just the assumption of omnipotence. If the Christian God exists he coulda just be lying about what he's capable of and what human is gunna be able to check the math? Guy seems like the kind of dick who would pull that shit.