My washing machine’s making this weird string of beeps?
Oh I got this. You have to put it into diagnostic mode, and then it will flash lights at you, giving you the error codes in binary. I'm not kidding!
For more info you can lift up the top of the machine by unscrewing some screws on the back. There are lots of screws on the back, but only three or four of them attach the top. If you lift the top up you can push the drum back and then slide your hand into the space between the drum and the frame. There's a ziplock bag in there with the service manual, and it'll tell you how to spin the knob to enter diagnostic mode. On my Maytag I have to spin the knob R, R, L, R, not to quick, not too slow.
I was blown away when I learned this all. I was having a problem with my clothes not drying, but still the components seemed to be working. I was getting a specific error about one component, but when I tested it it was fine. In my case the problem was where the wires from that component plugged into the control board--it was just slightly loose! So I pushed it in and everything is nominal.
I see that you've watched some videos, and you should definitely continue that. I teach HS physics, but I never took an actual trig class because of an administrative quirk. I thought I had this huge gap in trig but eventually I realized that there's just not that much. You can definitely teach yourself trig!
Khan Academy is great, but the secret sauce is in really trying to understand WHY you get some of these problems wrong. If you really spend some time trying to find each mistake, and thinking about what exactly makes it a mistake, you'll be all set.