
joined 2 years ago
[–] AlphaAcid 1 points 1 year ago

That's kinda neat, and I can see the theoretical argument for diagonal screens. But I don't see it catching on beyond a handful of nerds who insist it's the optimal setup. Looks kinda funky and the extra smaller windows placed near the corners have non-constant width which seems like a real pain when scrolling through docs or whatever.

[–] AlphaAcid 3 points 1 year ago (1 children)

They talking about the ground clearance, this thing looks like it'd scrape itself to death on a bit of gravel or even the mildest speed bump.

[–] AlphaAcid 29 points 1 year ago

Indian govt assassinated or was involved in the assassination of a Sikh guy living in Canada. Canadian govt tried to reach out to Indian govt privately to get to the bottom of it, but Indian govt was having none of it. So Canadian govt went public with the revelation, causing Indian govt to throw a massive tantrum.

[–] AlphaAcid 8 points 2 years ago (1 children)

That's the thing about LLMs though. They don't understand anything at all. They just say stuff that sounds coherent. It turns out of you just say whatever seems like the most reasonable response at all times then you can get pretty close to simulating understanding in some scenarios. But even though these newer language models are quite good at some things, they are no closer to understanding or conceptualizing anything.

[–] AlphaAcid 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

What zone do you live in? Or in other words what are your coldest lows in a typical season? Dormant peach trees can easily withstand temperatures a bit below 0F, and some can go even lower. If your temps don't get colder than that, then it's evolved to deal with the winter just fine out in the open.

[–] AlphaAcid 4 points 2 years ago (3 children)

It may just be losing it's leaves early because of stress. It's not necessarily a death sentence though. There's not much you can do though winter, just let it be dormant. In early spring / late winter, just before bud break, I'd recommend spraying at least once with a fungicide dormant oil such as copper sulfate. This will combat leaf curl, which would weaken the tree further. Follow the application instructions and peach leaf curl is pretty easy to mitigate or prevent entirely.

Also give it some fertilizer in spring so it can put on lots of new growth.

[–] AlphaAcid 2 points 2 years ago

Do you have a laptop? Use that instead. Even a mediocre laptop will have plenty of compute power to do plotting.

[–] AlphaAcid 3 points 2 years ago (4 children)

That's because you're going to Aldi and Walmart, which cater to the low end and are cheap above all else. Try a regular mid range grocery store like Safeway/Albertsons/Vons and you'll find a bakery section. But like the other commenter said if you want higher quality you'll have to go to a higher end grocery store like Whole Foods. Also depending on which part of the country you're visiting you'll find huge differences in food quality standards.