Thank you so much. A lot of great points here. Thanks for taking the time
In retrospect, I am glad she didn't have a chance to spin her own story. She totally would have
Thanks for the well worded response. I tried to walk a line for the last two years between helping they stay connected with her, and not wanting to have anything to do with her. I wouldn't force them, but I would do things all together "as a family" just to keep them spending some time together. I think it was easier for them if I was there as a buffer, and harder when they are just with her.
Yes, it took me a bit to realize how they would later view my withholding it. At the time I was really only thinking that they had a right to know why this was happening. Thanks
Thanks for your response. She did have a right to stay, and if she had asked to, I would have had no choice. In fact about a week later we made a brief attempt at reconciliation, and quickly came to the conclusion that it wouldn't work. She then voluntarily packed up and left for good.
Thanks for that perspective, appreciate the response
I'm sorry that happened. My parents divorced when I was a baby, and I was closer to my dad than my mom. Much later I learned about things that hurt to know, like the fact that my dad beat my mom up so bad she was in the hospital for days. It's tough learning bad things about people you love. Best to you
I've actually been kind of a broker in keeping them connected. The 4 of us were still doing things together, usually at my suggestion, despite my not wanted to see her, so that they would. I tried hard to keep them connected and keep their relationships from falling apart. My thanks is that she more or less robbed me in the divorce, taking as much as she could. She's on her own with the kids now, I never want to see her again. They do still spend some time together. Both the kids understand that she is their only mom and always will be.
Many thanks!
Yeah, they'd wonder and ask for sure. Also, I believe that when they inevitably would learn about it, they'd be upset with me for withholding it from them
Happen to have a link to where it can be purchased?
I agree that r/dataisbeautiful turned out to be very political. What I saw was that the community was rather united in its political stance and if someone made a post that was out of line with the community's ideology they got roasted. The reaction was rarely about how the information could have been portrayed more intuitively, or how the data could have been stronger. Those reactions were for posts that were in line. Others were downright attacked. It certainly wasn't about making data beautiful