Saw this, seems kind of wild that they didnt do some of the basic things they were asked to.
Charlotte, NC, USA
It really does. But I seem to recall they have a history of turning a blind eye to the traffic and ingress/egress issues at the facility
These two things stand out to me:
There’s no plan for the large influx of vehicles, and no backup plan for blocked or stalled traffic [...] There are 1,500 parking spaces, with an estimated 4,500 vehicles expected.
Having been there during one of their Big Water events, and a couple of lower traffic times, it seems like the place would be absolute insanity on the 4th.
I would ask what sane person would subject themselves to the interminable wait times just to get in, park and then leave, but history has shown me there are a shit ton of insane people who will happily endure that kind of thing.
For such a nice facility, getting in and out and parking there is sketchy as fuck. And they seem to not care about it at all.