Spooky season isn’t just for the ghosts, sometimes it is all about the creepy crawly bugs! With many people having a fear of them, Skorupi Incense Day focusing on those Bug and Poison type critters is the perfect October theme.
Starts: Saturday, October 21, 2023
at 11:00 AM local time
Ends: Saturday, October 21, 2023
at 5:00 PM local time
- Incense is more likely to attract Skorupi
- Increased shiny chance for Skorupi
- Daily Adventure Incense lasts twice as long when activated during the event
- Bug and poison types will be featured spawns on Incense
- Spawns on incense will rotate hourly, switching between bug spawns, and poison spawns
Read more: https://pokemongohub.net/post/event/skorupi-incense-day-october-2023/