Use Common Lisp if you want to feel like a dinosaur. This is why I moved to racket! I’m happy now
Write a simple project with each of these languages, and you'll get the idea
Stating the obvious.
And yet also the best way. What do you want to know about them? Speed? Portability? Libraries? Ease of installation? Ease of packaging for shipment to non-technical users? Size of language? Syntactical differences?
We can't answer this question as posed because we don't know what you want to know. But you do. And so if you were to build the same project in both languages, you would know which language fit your needs better.
Good questions, I'm a beginner too but from what I understood:
- r6rs or scheme are minimal in language specs but not as portable as cl. The libraries for Chicken Scheme won't work in Racket for example. But pretty much all libraries in CL will work on almost all of its implementations (SBCL, CCL, ECL, etc)
- SBCL compiles to native code but Clojure compiles to JVM bytecodes. So SBCL is faster performance-wise. However, if there is a library in Java world that you particularly like, Clojure would have better interoperability with it.
Do a search on this subreddit for other views. This comes up often.
My favorite scheme/lisp implementations are sbcl/racket/chicken.
Not because of speed or portability but mainly because of available libraries.
As a former Schemer: I wish Scheme were as portable as CL, and had something as awesome as QuickLisp. There's something fantastic about being able to use the CommonLisp implementation that's most appropriate for your platform/target and still be able to take your code with you.
Why does your subject mention R6RS while your body asks about Clojure? Clojure is not a Scheme.
After analyzing i will focus on racket & sbcl & haskell.
Why ? Many libraries & descend books.