Hi, I posted my question in Godot Forums but I fear it's gone quickly into oblivion but I've been stuck on this for days, would love some help!
func _create_texture():
var pixels = 256
#tex = Image.create(pixels, pixels, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8)
imageTexture = ImageTexture.new()
tex = Image.create(pixels, pixels, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8)
mesh.material_override.set("albedo_texture", imageTexture)
func draw_on_sprite(coords):
tex.set_pixelv(coords, Color.RED)
I can get the UVs alright, the mesh becomes black when the texture is set in _create_texture()
but it never changes color. If I get_pixelv after setting it it does show that it's now (1,0,0,1) so I'm not sure why it's not showing in game. Any clue?
There seem to be quite a few changes from Godot 3 to Godot 4 in this area so most of the info online about it is outdated now.