Tarkin blowing up an entire planet as a demonstration is really dark when you think about it.
this post was submitted on 22 Jun 2023
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Star Wars
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It’s from the High Republic, but the attack on the Republic fair on Valo and the fall of Starlight Beacon are pretty fucking dark. Honorable mentions go to the Battle of Jedha and the Night of Sorrow on Dalna.
Maybe it's just the art style in those comics, but they never felt as dark as some of the old Dark Horse stuff to me.
haven't read the High Republic but sounds interesting.
"Master Skywalker, there are too many of them, what are we going to do?"
"Master Skywalker, what are we going to do.."
KOTOR spoiler
Dark Side option to force persuade Zaalbar to kill Mission
The entire Clone Wars. Two sides throwing disposable sentient troops with no choice as to whether to participate in the conflict at each other for years.