Infra knife goes brrrr.
Seriously though, it’s the only weapon I have installed on all my ships. It rips through shields and ship hulls.
I always upgrade it with S class modules at first then hunt for decent X class ones.
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Infra knife goes brrrr.
Seriously though, it’s the only weapon I have installed on all my ships. It rips through shields and ship hulls.
I always upgrade it with S class modules at first then hunt for decent X class ones.
Infranife with X modules and adjacent supercharged slots is so OP. If the goal is efficiency, why would you get anything else?
Second vote for infra knife. Of course, has to be paired with the standard laser for leeching shield energy.
I've been resisting the urge to use save editor for the expedition out of fairness, but I've put enough hours into the game that I refuse to grind on my main save... for a laugh I set every slot on my S-tier fighter to supercharge, the infra knife is fucking ridiculous on that. Just BRRRR and the enemy ship is gone.
Interestingly, despite cheating on my main save unlocking every upgrade for every ship, and installing the solar sail, along with all other upgrades, enemy ships still run rings round me.
A maxed Positron Ejector used to be the way to go. You could actually kill pirates as they were warping into the system by shooting at the general area. Fights were over before they even started. Then with one of the major updates, they "re-balanced" the weapons and a maxed out Infra Knife now shreds everything in no time. I keep Rockets around as a finishing blow or a strong opening to weaken enemy shields.
I remember when that got nerfed.
The Ballista really does take out shields like they are nothing. I almost wish the Infra Knife world be less effective against shields so as to have a reason for a different weapon.
More specialisation would be fun, IMO.
If more ships had subsystems, we could have a weapon that targets those systems, for example. Or a weapon specialising against ground targets.
My biggest pet peeve with the weapons system (maybe there's a solution I missed) is the order. EG, when I press triangle and it switches between the weapons, I wish I could choose the order myself.
Having rockets before laser makes no sense. Having to flip through a bunch of weapons to get to the rockets means sometimes I miss the opportunity for the shot, then the shields are back up before I can get a clean shot with rockets, so I have to switch back to a different weapon, rinse and repeat.
I wonder if it's based on the order in which the weapons were originally installed?
Agreed. I have tried equipping ships with a Ballista for shields and Infra Knife for hull, but honestly, it's just easier to punch through with the Infra Knife.
Maybe it's just in my head but I feel like the Photon Canon got better when they introduced Interceptors.
I would like to test the photon cannon. Must try and equip one of my ships with it and see what happens.
Upgraded Infra-Knife for the general purpose magic smoke maker; upgraded phase beam to top off the shields for free when things get extra hot.
Another vote for the Infra-knife. Don't group upgrades, put your max-stat X-class mods in the 4 supercharged slots of your fully expanded ship, wherever they appear on the grid, and you can get 55,000+ damage on an Exotic or Solar, 65k+ on a Fighter.
Infra-knife is the One True God. Upgrade that mfer with S-Classes and you’re already invincible. Get the max X-Classes and you can vaporize anything within a half second
Fully upgraded position ejector shreds.
Does anyone have experience with a maxed out Photon Cannon?