A place just for Golf stuff. Pictures, Videos, News Articles, or just questions and discussions
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First off, don't replace your clubs yet. You might think about regripping them, if needed. Whatever your problems are, they aren't due to any of your gear.get on Facebook market place or eBay and fill your clubs in with used clubs. Goodwill and flea markets are also good options. Go to your lessons and practice the drills and play some games with friends.
Golf can be very expensive. Don't spend money now on clubs that you will just be slamming into the ground anyway, and they won't suit you once you get better any way.
Don't get frustrated, literally almost every golfer sucks really bad. Like 0.5% of all golfers don't suck, and they still suck sometimes. This game is brutally difficult, enjoy your surroundings and your friends. Try to have fun.
Don’t do it, save yourself a lot of pain and emotional damage. Take up knitting or crocheting.
If they're already hooked it might be too late. +1 to taking up knitting or crocheting though. It's a nice way to make something to muffle your occasional screams of rage.
Start with chipping and putting.
Have fun!