"Mainstream Games" are already scammy enough.
Fuck NFTs!
Fuck NFTs!
NFTs. Fuck 'em expensive images.
Follow Fediverse Code of Conduct
When posting links of news articles, put the article title in Title section then diss/shit about them on the Body section
Do not post misinformation/disinformation
If you think an NFT is still cool, please screenshot them before sharing them here.
Obviously, don't promote/self promote of any kind, esp. NFTs
Icon from Untitled Collection #202729794 by NFTJ2
They said we just need a common enemy for humanity to unite. I did not expect it to be crypto nonsense.
For once the internet didn't fuck up.
Is it bullying if it was a scam?
That was literally the idea.
why the hell is this article still going around
Huge win
I canβt wait to give more money to a company that can lock down my assets and put it behind a subscription model.
Ownership is for suckers!