That is insane. They have always been insane but I can't believe this was written down and publicly published.
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Banner image by Bernard Spragg
Got an idea for next month's banner?
Gunning for those Men's Rights votes.
I supported ACT at the election but they've become increasingly unhinged lately and started doing a bunch of stuff I don't really agree with.
Still, I'm happy that MMP finally worked for the first time since it was introduced to NZ. A coalition of more than 2 parties is a net win imo and at the next election I'm hoping the minor parties get more support
ACT campaigned on removing all building regulations, abolishing the human rights commission, abolishing the climate change commission/zero carbon act/etc, and allowing unrestricted overseas ownership of NZ for investors in OECD countries (except residential property), among other things.
Here is the list of party policies for the 2023 election.
Act has always been the party of selling out our country and our planet for money.