I have a couple of Toshiba NAS drives, they've been going a few years but the problem has been noise. They're so damn loud compared to WD and Seagate's I had previously.
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This is not first time I hear about them being noisier, hmm, I think I will try and in the worst case return them... Thank you
There are only these three hddcompanies left: WD, Seagate and Toshiba.
Synology doesn't produce drives, they buy them from Toshiba.
If you want to know which drives are good have a look at the backblaze reports:
They still list HGST (Hitachi) drives separately. Hitachi was bought by WD more than 10 years ago.
Aha I see, so If I don't want drives from US company, really there is just one choice. Thank you
My ancient Synology DS218+ keeps on running and running. Also excellent software, which makes everything super easy.