My plans. Plans for everything, and plans for those plans if they fail, and tertiary plans. I love plans. SOPs (standard operating procedures). I'd rather have a solid plan for everything reasonable (and some unreasonable) than all the gear in the world with no plan. Plans documented, memorized, printed and digitized. I had a very logistics-heavy role in the military, and as a civilian with a family in this day and age of so much uncertainty, I'm honestly more focused on them than I was when I was serving.
A place for people who like to be prepared for realistic disasters both human created and naturally occurring!
We expect there to be thematic overlaps with outdoor, survival, general preparedness, self-sufficient living and resilience... also gear talk is welcomed wholeheartedly.
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- Icon via pexels @ pixabay
- Banner via Artem Kostelnyuk @ unsplash
Planning is so fun honestly! I agree
I EDC a little Helikon-Tex sere pouch with small items and a small Helikon-Tex first aid pouch.
- petzl emergency headlamp
- earpro
- sleeping earpro
- headset
- paracord
- zip ties
- gorilla tape on an old card
- Anker powercore+ mini battery pack
- pencil + pencil sharpener
- SOG powerpint multitool
- valve key (cross)
- triple head usb cable (Lightning, USB-C, micro USB)
- charger
- car charger
- smartwatch charger
- phone car mount
- wedge
- CPR mask
First aid
- globes
- bandage
- CPR mask
- bandaids
- emegency blanket
- splinter tweezers
- tick tweezers
- rats tourniquet
- medicine
- wound wipes
The pouches go in my backpack.
If I’m going jacket only, I’ve got some bandaids, a blanket, a CPR mask and a bandage in the pockets.
In European countries, where we don't shoot at each other this might already be overkill as every car has a first aid kit and almost all bleedings will be stopable with those bandages.
That’s an impressive list for such an easy to carry bag! Thanks for sharing
Buy the items as small as possible 😂