Hey all, I’ve just released Lunar for Lemmy version 0.5.0.
Check out the post image for a TLDR on what’s released with screenshots.
Here's whats changed in v0.5.0:
- Login Page and account information persistence to Keychain
- Redesigned settings page
- 4 new app icons
- Instance selector with 7 popular instances (custom instances coming soon)
- Image popover with zoom and pan features
- Debug Mode
- Haptics during the login flow and for upvote & downvote buttons
- Redesigned post metadata buttons
- Reset app button
- Included instance URL in Explore Communities Page
- Minor UI design changes
- Better divider between posts
- Background thread publishing bug
- Tab resetting to feed view on loss of app focus
- Graphical glitch when swiping down to refresh
It's still not available on TestFlight yet unfortunately, there are still a few essential features I would like to add before releasing:
- [ ] Click on URL attached to the post opens the link in an in-app browser/external browser
- [ ] Collapsable and expandable comments
- [ ] Collapsed by default post body
- [ ] Functional upvote and downvote buttons
- [ ] Search communities
- [ ] Navigate to communities from posts view
- [ ] Markdown formatted post body and comments
- [ ] Upvotes and downvotes in comments
- [ ] Subscribe button inside community info view
- [ ] Subscriptions when logged in.
- [ ] Subscribed communities posts page
Once these have been added, it will be released for TestFlight. Follow the progress on the board here: https://github.com/users/mani-sh-reddy/projects/3
If you're curious and want to take a peek, you can run a preview on your iPhone using a Mac and Xcode. The instructions are in the GitHub repository, so feel free to give it a try and share your thoughts.
As always, I welcome contributions. If you would like to contribute, please get in touch/create a PR. I am still very new to iOS development so any help is appreciated.