Explanation: During the Second Punic War, Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus ('Warty', for a wart on his face) was appointed dictator by the Roman Republic in order to defend it against the brilliant Carthaginian ('Punic') general Hannibal.
Fabius chose a strategy of... not fighting. This was actually quite brilliant - by refusing to fight on Hannibal's terms, Fabius prevented Hannibal from gaining new victories, and exhausted Hannibal's ability to supply his army. Fabius only offered combat on his own terms - which Hannibal, wisely, never accepted. However, the Roman people were frustrated and angered by Fabius's lack of aggression to AVENGE ROMAN HONOR, and showered him with scorn, including the title of 'Cunctator' instead of 'Dictator' ('Delayer' instead of 'Speaker').
After countermanding Fabius's dictatorial authority several times, and getting several defeats for their trouble, the Roman people finally reconciled themselves to the wisdom of Fabius's strategy. Scorn turned to praise and contrition, and it was said, by the end of the Second Punic War, reversing the disdain in the mock title of 'Cunctator', that "One man, by delaying, has saved the Republic."