@[email protected] ooooh those poor narrow-gauge railways :+ In Spain we have one of the longest ones in the world, Ferrocarril de La Robla #feve , I am surprised its still in operation tbh
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@[email protected] i think nowhere in the world approaches narrow-gauge lines with such care and unmatched attention as Switzerland
i mean come on they have lots of electrified very serious meter gauge lines with modern rolling stock and regular local operators using them :neofox_woozy:
@[email protected] to be fair to ourselves, Switzerland is also uniquely rich and compact, so, they kind of have the right situation... But yes, it's sad that so many lines were closed in the 80s
In #Valencia , actually, we have the old #feve Denia - Gandia line, which probably will be re-built soon... They could have just not closed it :blobhaj_sadreach:
Btw, #Valencia does have A LOT of narrow-gauge lines if you like that
@[email protected] my gosh, this is beautiful, I'm going there someday
@[email protected] leć leć zanim złomiarze rozbiorą albo lokalna społeczność do końca zdemoluje xD
te zdjęcia to zrobione na bocznicy o tu: https://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=52.914402&mlon=20.968748#map=17/52.914402/20.968748
@[email protected] coś tam stoi jeszcze na Mławie Wąskotorowej ale w jeszcze bardziej żałosnym stanie
i don't know why but i'm really happy with that first shot :neofox_aww:
@[email protected] dlaczego to jest w takim stanie ja się pytam
(przytuliłbym wąskotorówkę z moich rodzinnych okolic, którą pewnie spotkałoby to samo, ale dziś wygląda tak: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6IXz4Lms5hI)
@[email protected] niby tam jakiś hajs poszedł na odrestaurowanie tej Mławskiej Dojazdówki ale eeeeeeh
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