Arcbound #3 (Of 12) - Somehow missed the first 2 issues of this, but looks promising.
Black Canary Best Of The Best #3 (Of 6) - Tom Taylor doing an underground fight club.
Epitaphs From The Abyss #7 (Of 12) - EC is back!
Flash #17 - TBH, starting to feel like it's just spinning it's wheels at this point.
Green Arrow #20
Hyde Street #3 - Another entry in the Ghost Machine universe!
Life #4 - More DSTLRY goodness. Final issue?
Justice League Unlimited #3 - Digging this and the three related titles.
Power Girl #17 - I think a new story starts here?
Time Waits #3 - More DSTLRY goodness. Final issue?
TVA #2 (Of 5) - Think of it as "Loki Season 3"
Ultimate Spider-Man #13 - They pretty much dropped a bomb last issue...
Wonder Woman #17 - Following the birth of Trinity.
Uncanny X-Men #9 - Not sure how long I'll keep this, hasn't been good. :(
X-Men Xavier's Secret #1 - Infinity comic hardcopy bridging Krakoa era with modern.