I missed the last episode due to family commitments. But to my understanding last episode was wrapping up M9 and now we're back to BH? So maybe it's okay if I watch this one before the previous one...
Critical Role
"Is it Thursday Yet?"
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Critical Role is a group of nerdy-ass voice actors who sit around and play Dungeons & Dragons.
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- Candela Obscura: Horror drama campaign using their own game system, live streamed every last Thursday of each month at 7pm PT
- 4-Sided Dive: Talkshow with a roundtable discussion of 4 guests, to talk about recent episodes and answer fan questions. Streams every first Tuesday of the month at 7pm PT
- Narrative Telephone: The narrator tells a tale and passes it along to a cast member who can listen to it only once before retelling it to another... How weird can things possibly get?
- Midst: Sci-fi fantasy radio drama, streams Wednesdays.
- Re-Slayer's Take: podcast about a lesser-known band of heroes updates Mondays 5am PST
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(TY Dr Friedman!)
They’re supposed to happen simultaneously. ~~I think you’re right, these “final fight” episodes can probably be watched in any order.~~
Nevermind, there's spoilers if you watch these last episodes first.
(cllick for spoiler)
The "Dead Mom Clock"
♪Episode Song References♪
ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ
- 00:23:49 Alan Evans Trio - Authoritay
- 00:29:25 Liam:"Red robes." Grendel - Red Rum
- 00:40:05 "just that bitch" Lizzo - Truth Hurts
- 00:45:36 ♪it's been♪ Barenaked Ladies - One Week
- 01:03:32 Chipmunks Theme Song
- 01:19:57 "makin his way" Vanessa Carlton - A Thousand Miles
- 01:25:08 Coolio - Fantastic Voyage
- 01:26:52 Bon Jovi - It's My Life
- 01:37:46 The Damned - Smash It Up
- 01:44:18 Luniz - I Got Five On It
- 02:09:37 Lady Gaga - Edge of Glory
- 02:38:58 Sam sings a melody about "three free hours"
- 02:58:57 Lady Gaga - Edge of Glory again
- 02:58:58 Aerosmith - Livin' on the Edge
- 03:18:25 ♪dissonant whispers♪
- 03:19:22 Hadestown Musical - Wait For Me
- 03:22:35 Gorton's Fisherman Jingle
- 03:30:36 "up in here" DMX - Party Up
- 03:34:03 Taliesin:♪she wants a shoe horn♪ (unknown melody)
- 03:45:25 Ben Folds Five - Brick
- 03:47:42 Staind - It's Been A While
- 03:51:53 Pokemon Jingle
- 04:01:58 Van Halen - Jump
- 04:07:47 Johnny Cash - Ring of Fire
- 04:27:17 Elvis Presley - Are You Lonely Tonight?
- 00:11:36 Liam:"We're covered in
." - 00:14:15 Two different clocks Travis:"Trivial Pursuit"
- 00:14:46 Liam:"That's my least favorite clock." (dead mom clock)
- 00:15:33 Taliesin:"You could put the image in..." (Imogen?)
- 00:16:39 "Two halves make the greater whole."
- 00:20:05 Aura dander makes Fearne sneeze
- 00:21:43 Imogen senses the path and "the clock" ticks
- 00:23:19 Travis:"Barf."
- 00:24:00 No one will stop us if we have a clipboard.
Travis:"Minor Illusion: Clipboard
!" - 00:24:29 Laudna yoinked Ashton's pipe
- 00:27:35 Sam reveals his Ashley shirt
- 00:29:26 Covered in
Liam:"Yeah, it gets stuck on you." - 00:33:03 Lore: The magical tether between Imogen and Fearne (letting them draw from eachother for spells) is visible
- 00:34:02 "Flying V" Mighty Ducks reference
Matt:"Yes, I'm familiar with the flying V."
Travis:"Emilio Esteves is my HERO." - 00:35:43 Robbie:"You killed his prized NPC, and can't even say his first name."
Taliesin:"We'll do what we want."
Matt:"It hurts a little, but I'll move past it."
Travis:"Summon the dragon. Summon the dragon!" - 00:37:37 Two soldiers, two Thought Eaters, and a Juggernaut
- 00:37:45 Travis referencing a moment from Top Gun about the number of bogies.
- 00:39:19 Laura's
cements the successful deception and moves both "clocks", which worries Ashley. - 00:41:00 Sam cranking up the ultra-violence gets Braius embarrassed
- 00:43:05 Reiloran Juggernaut standing up for the rights of captives.
- 00:48:33 Laura:"But there was a place they (avadons) liked to be scritched."
Taliesin:"There was one note Laura Bailey definitely kept. - 00:48:53 Braius:"Ashton, is there a way to get us into the stone or anything?"
Ashton:(channelling some Caduceus)"There's a way to get Me in the stone and, honestly if it comes to that, it's been a pleasure, all of you." - 00:49:57 Sam goofin' on his phone
- 00:50:07 Marisha's positing the 'Looney Tunes' approach
- 00:52:16 The entire cast making the "high-pitched bargaining voice"
- 00:55:55 Fan Art Moment Chetney's finishing shove of the last avedon into the portable hole.
- 00:57:09 "Mind bullets" Tenacious D reference
- 01:01:11 Braius crits and demands women be respected
- 01:02:33 Travis:"What's your experience with vaginas?"
Sam:"Thanks, Marisha. Now sex is ruined for me." - 01:03:52 Laura:"Our hole is what?"
- 01:04:56 You remember long ago (when you gave in to a vision and felt yourself fall through this red Moon of Ill Omen) that below the surface, there were many ancient, forgotten, locked caverns below.
- 01:07:50 Imogen passes the seed (said to have the potential to break the corruption on Ruidus) to Ashton.
- 01:09:05 The myceit remind me of kodamas from Mononoke Hime
- 01:11:00 Whispers!
- 01:13:28 Fan Art Moment Myceit with a smashed strawberry on its cap/head.
Laura:"Don't make them attack us, Matt. They're so cute."
- 01:16:05 The myceit seem to have their own tiny network of tunnels
- 01:18:07 The myceit become focused and swarm Imogen
- 01:18:17 Robbie's excitement breaks the chair beneath him
- 01:19:48 Robbie:"Sorry, I can't. I've got a cushion on the way."
- 01:23:43 Sam:"Like a mushroom tourbus? A Porter-bello?"
- 01:25:04 Liam:"Slide."
- 01:26:35 Ashley:"I take a little bit of the slime and shimmy it around my cake."
Travis:"Action Park on your tummy." - 01:27:25 Matt:"This black, slick, lightless tube..."
- 01:34:08 The seed is planted
- 01:39:13 Chetney:"Time to lube up, big boy."
- 01:42:12 Braius takes one step into the pond and a column of fungal coral lifts him 8ft.
- 01:45:57 Fearne:"I know kung fu."
- 01:47:54 "A friend from the Blue Promise who seeks a new home."
- 01:55:04 Liam:"anticIPATIOOON!"
- 02:00:10 The party is split and three low rollers end up on a platform
- 02:02:19 Shoebill
- 02:08:04 The party succeeds in rejoining and maneuvering further into the Ruidian depths
- 02:10:48 This glass is going to be a pain to animate
- 02:12:19 Laura:"Are you there, Predathos? It's me, Imogen." reference to the Judy Blume book
- 02:12:30 Sam:"Cow sense."
- 02:14:09 Travis:"I'll pull out the
Monocle of True Essence
and Mr Peanut that shit."
Laudna:"Maybe you should have this pipe, it would really go with the aesthetic."
Ashton:"That's my pipe..." - 02:15:43 Ludinus and Liliana spotted
- 02:18:44 Dorian:"Do you want to be a mounted fighter?"
As you all come charging in from the far hallway, this is the rapid visual of what you see from that perspective. These four, and one fifth member (concentrating) that was not seen from the perspective of The Eye
. Orym, you also glance out of sight on this side, it looks to be another Exaltant with what looks to be a glass blade that they just have at the ready. The sound of footsteps reverberates into the chamber enough where everyone who's concentrating glances over in your direction.
You hear Ludinus speak out,
"Let them not interrupt her judgement. Her gift shall remain key to freeing us from the tyranny of the divine."
- 02:35:25 Fan Art Moment Orym flying on Coriolis with Imogen (also flying) into battle towards the ultimate foe, Ludinus Daleth
- 02:36:20 Roll Inish Bish!
- 02:46:33 Matt:"Is this through his (Mister's) flaming shit gun?"
- 02:49:28 Braius:"Heads up, it's a full Moo."
- 02:52:48 Liam:"Someone's gonna do that meme of us looking away from Hamilton at Hadestown."
- 02:55:03 Ashley busts out the 'Jersey' accent
- 02:56:24 Marisha:"Both of those fucks in the back have to roll a
Wisdom Save
to see if they're afeared of me." - 02:58:36 Braius tanks a crit
- 03:01:33 Matt:"Psychic butthole."
- 03:02:39 Dorian came to serve and brought glowsticks to cast
Hypnotic Pattern
- 03:05:11 Matt:"Winamp Visualization Plugin, yep."
Taliesin:"Llama's ass." - 03:07:53 Laudna's Infernal Dire Wolf is wiped out with some baddies by Imogen's
blast. - 03:10:47 Sam messes with Robbie for a bit about Imogen killing their teammate and dog.
- 03:13:21 Big Area of Effect spell deals psychic damage
- 03:15:43 Laura reminds both Matt and Travis of a
check that really comes through. - 03:17:13 Liam:"Just a casual game amongst fucking friends."
- 03:20:24 Matt decides to also use
Hypnotic Pattern
. Good spell. - 03:21:06 Travis saying "down below" makes Laura and Liam laugh.
- 03:23:29 Orym:"Fuck 'em up, Areolis."
- 03:25:43 Liam rolls a 1 and still manages to hit with 25
- 03:26:40 Braius regains
Bardic Inspiration
- 03:27:04 Marisha:"Errol Flynn. Another choice reference for the youth."
- 03:28:03 Ludinus' turn
- 03:28:54 Laura gets squeaky
- 03:29:48 Marisha stands up for Imogen
- 03:35:23 Sam is cold
- 03:41:21 Braius is only useful as a healer for now
- 03:42:14 Fan Art Moment Laudna getting up close with
Shocking Grasp
- 03:42:34 YOLO = Roll Low
- 03:44:44 Laudna takes out an Exaltant
- 03:46:57 Marishneeze
- 03:49:42 Dorian:"I love my mom, too."
Fan Art Moment Dorian's yellowLightning Bolt
given a purple hue from his bond with Imogen - 03:53:35 Wait
- 03:54:13 Phantasmal Killer: A 4th-level illusion spell that creates a frightening illusion based on a creature's deepest fears. Target must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target becomes frightened for the duration. At the end of each of the target's turns before the spell ends, the target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or take 4d10 psychic damage.
- 03:54:42 Marisha and Robbie laugh about their creatures getting taken out of combat and chatting with eachother offscreen.
- 03:55:41 Travis mimes hitting a joint while pondering Matt's philosophy of being a dungeon master
- 03:56:40 Matt:"You are now..."
Liam:"...an emotional support wolf." (as Chetney is knocked back and restrained) - 03:59:27 Ludinus casts
Mind Sliver
on ImogenMind Sliver
The target must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw or take 1d6 psychic damage and subtract 1d4 from the next saving throw it makes before the end of your next turn. - 04:02:38 Matt:"We're in the last round."
- 04:03:44 Fan Art Moment Chetney's lightning-infused (from Crimson Rite) attack on the Exaltants coming out of the nearby tornado.
- 04:05:33 Marisha makes a funny noise describing a magical shield
- 04:07:54 "A whirlwind of fire."
- 04:09:33 Ashley gets a huge HDYWTDT knocking out two Exaltants
- 04:14:27 Braius lands near Ludinus and preps a
Shining Smite
for an attack - 04:15:24 Laudna brings some more mind-fuckery making a
Void Puppet
of a newly killed Exaltant decrying their assistance of Ludinus - 04:18:50 Laudna gets a HDYWTDT on the last Exaltant. Ludinus is exposed.
- 04:20:37 No luck from Braius' melee attacks
Sam:(nudging Robbie)"If only someone hadInspire
d me." - 04:22:44 Naming famous butlers
- 04:26:10
Force Cage
- 04:35:04 Ludinus:"Well, it seems for the time being we have a moment to chat. I figure why not take a bit of time and pontificate amongst ourselves before the end, huh?"
- 04:35:33 Ashley throws her Mister plushy at Matt
- 04:36:16 Sam:"The year of Cage."
Sam's Mug
Reading at the top:"Today I'm feeling..." with a meter below divided into three segments: "Evil" on the left in red, "Cow" in the center in white, and "Neutral" on the right in yellow and the arrow pointing to "Cow".
Sam's Shirt
bonus Ashley source