Thus it was said by the Blessed One, said by the Arahant, as I have heard:
"Bhikkhus, I do not see any other single barrier by which beings, enveloped by it, run through and undergo repeated existence for a long time, like this barrier of ignorance. Indeed, bhikkhus, it is because beings are enveloped by the barrier of ignorance that they run through and undergo repeated existence for a long time."
The Blessed One spoke this matter. Therefore, it is said thus:
"There is no other single thing,
by which beings are enveloped;
That makes them transmigrate day and night,
as when enveloped by delusion (an illusion, a misperception, a distorted view).
But those who have put an end to delusion,
and have shattered the mountain of ignorance;
They do not transmigrate again,
for the cause no longer exists for them."
This matter too was spoken by the Blessed One, thus have I heard.
Picture: Romanticism-style visualization of sunlight breaking through heavy, dark clouds.
Related Teachings:
The Cave of Ignorance (Snp 4.2) - Vivid verses on overcoming the mire of delusion by avoiding attachment to sensory pleasures, discerning their causes, and practicing for being free of 'mine'.
Rare That One Obtains the Human State (DhP 182, SN 55.48) - The Buddha is sharing in these teachings on the rarity of being born as a human being, on the rarity of being born at a time when a Buddha has arisen, and on the rarity of being born when one has gained access to the Dhamma.
Cultivating faith to awaken to the truth (SN 55.55) ↗️ - The Buddha shares stream entry as a simile to awakening to the truth of his teachings. He highlights the factors that leads one to awaken to the truth of enlightenment when followed.