Can't wait, this could save us $15,000 a year in inReach access fees if we switched to just PLB and phone access for messaging.
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Banner image by Bernard Spragg
Got an idea for next month's banner?
Ouch. How many units do you have in service?
The weather forecast that Inreach offers is also excellent, hopefully there will be a way to replicate that over cell service.
You might want to look at the reliability guarantee if any that One NZ will give the satellite text message feature.
Most likely in their T&C there will be verbiage that says not to use it as a replacement for dedicated services.
That is why I said PLB plus txt. The satellite txt function of inReach is a fantastic function, but there is a 20min round trip. If Starlink and One Network can get that down that would be great.
I am just jaded about all these new services touting how great it is and have been burnt in the past.
Was just trying to warn you to look at the T&C for the service and thoroughly test it before dropping your other service.
Yeah, it would come with a full H&S review if we did change
Funnily enough, that's exactly why I was digging in to it