Interesting. So it's working but the signal is weak? Is it possible the USB port you're plugging it into without the extension is underpowered?
I've tried all the USB ports. The USB extension cable is currently plugged into the last port that was causing stuttering. Sometimes it would be stutter free for a while, then come back again. Ever since I tried this method, I haven't had a single issue, so it makes sense that it's an interference issue.
Anecdotally I've heard of interference issues with Logi Bolt. Sounds like it's based on Bluetooth LE 5. Have you tried to bluetooth connect without the receiver?
When I initially got the keyboard and it was having the stuttering issues, I gave the bluetooth option a try. It ended up giving me serious input delays, so I switched back to the bolt which was at least usable.
Since I had just gotten a newly released 7950X, I figured it might be a BIOS issue, but subsequent BIOS updates never solved it.
I have noticed that both the Bolt Receiver and the older one seem to give issues when connected directly to rear/internal usb ports, it does make me feel like its some interference issue. I also recall the receivers used to come with extension cables but havent seen one in a while.