What even is this article? Seems a bit spureous to me.
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Funny to see this comment here, because the article is directly applicable to my current workplace experience. We're a very small company, and I have been keeping my entire team running with no authority and no resources, through main force (e.g. working solidly without more than a few minutes to take a piss a maximum of twice in an 8-9 hour period). I am between 25-50% of my team's output on any given day, and there are only 7 of us.
NB: I know, this sounds like exploitation, and it might be if I didn't know it or if I didn't think I could go elsewhere. If this causes concern, please don't worry - I am fine, this is a choice I'm making because I like where I work, and after a recent chat with management it's finally getting remedied.
But if they'd read this article, I might not have needed to have that conversation with them.