Nice work.
I've been wanting to build a low work bench. Sometimes a stool and a table workbench isn't comfortable.
Are you planning on modifying it in the future?
A handmade home for woodworkers and admirers of woodworkers. Our community icon is submitted by @[email protected] whose father was inspired to start woodworking by Norm and the New Yankee Workshop.
Nice work.
I've been wanting to build a low work bench. Sometimes a stool and a table workbench isn't comfortable.
Are you planning on modifying it in the future?
Yeah it’s convenient for some things, but not ideal for others. I might modify it by putting pegs into each leg to hold them in better, because the actual joints arent that good. Besides adding a crochet hook, some people add an attachment to hang down from the edge with the crochet hook to support longer boards with pegs, but I won’t know if that’s necessary until I use it more. The holdfasts dont grip well because it is so shallow, so I’m going to add some scratches to the holdfasts to see if the texture gives some better grip.
I’ll also add a couple more holdfast holes somewhere in th middle for sawing. Near the end of the bench where they are now, the saw sometimes bumps the leg that is protruding outward.
What is this used for?
No really. It's just a flat surface to which workpieces can be clamped, braced, even sat on, to secure them for various sawing, chiseling, and planing operations.
Close variations of this simple, low design have been around for thousands of years and can be seen in Roman era mosaics.
Spot on. It’s my primary working surface right now and will be mostly for ripping when I have a full bench. Sitting on it, my weight provides the stability, but I can pick it up and take it outside or anywhere.
I’ll use the joiners mallet to knock together joints and to motivate my chisel.