Overview of the complex, in English and Maltese.
Photos of ruins and structures from past eras
What is a ruin? We're running off of "You know it when you see it" at the moment. Ruins should be non-functioning structures of some age, or their function reduced to tourism and the like. Generally speaking, specific items from a ruin should go to [email protected] Illustrations of ruins (or their reconstructions) should go to [email protected] Photos of ruins back when they were functioning should go to [email protected]
The supposed "Holy of Holies" at Hagar Qim, where it is believed priests would carry out animal sacrifices.
That's cool as hell.
I can hear the voices of the ancestors calling out for blood...
Right?? They are very, very thirsty...
Glad you enjoy, as I very much enjoy all your posts.
Replica of an altar stone at the site. Note the designs that continue throughout the complex and other temples in Malta.