Odaaaaaaaaaa! Ah, what an annoying man Vegapunk is. So long-winded.
One Piece
Discussion of all Grand Line stuff, fanart and theories regarding Eiichiro Oda's anime One Piece.
- Topic: Posts must be related to One Piece
- Tags: Lemmy doesn’t have tags yet, so please mark posts with [Episode/Chapter], [Fanart], [Question], [Discussion], [Theory] or others you may think are appropriate. e.g. [Theory, ep1/ch1]: this guy with the hat will be pirate king!
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Drop us the name brooooooooo
Make them shit their pants
Prediction on how this will end:
The Arc Noah was built to protect those who can not live in the ocean: Humans. Some fishmen may forgive the humans for enslaving them... others will not. In the end there will be a battle to sink the Noah with the entire worlds population on board. A repeat of the Ohara refugee ship. But this time the heros of the story will save the boat.
Poseidon -- the mermaid princess -- is supposed to be able to sink the world beneath the ocean. But now Imu does it instead? I do not get it.
I figure that's down to perspective/marketing.
So .... is Impel down 200 meters high and was constructed on the pre-Void Century land? After the flooding it became the underwater prison?
I do not think so: Why would you make a building watertight ...
It was always supposed to be a prison, so air tight makes sense.