City Planner Plays! He's an actual city planner who tries his best to create realistic communities and cities. His videos are nicely edited and he's got a few running series right now! Highly recommend, watching Verde Beach grow each week helped me get through the pandemic.
Cities: Skylines
A Community for the Cities Skylines game by Colossal Order on Lemmy.
About Cities Skylines
Raise a city from the ground up and transform it into a thriving metropolis with the most realistic city builder ever. Push your creativity and problem-solving to build on a scale you've never experienced. With deep simulation and a living economy, this is world-building without limits.
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I love getting up on Saturday morning and watching the newly released episodes. So relaxing and it feels like Saturday morning cartoons as a kid.
RTGame. He’s not serious, but he is delightfully chaotic.
Is there any aspect you’re looking for in a creator? Like in-depth tutorials or hyper detailing?
I’m a big fan of Palm's Time; his detailing methods are quite efficient and not overdone.
Something that is enjoyable to watch I guess? Ideally with a theme/story to the build and the use of mods/modded assets. I want to see totally unique builds!
If you're looking for a story, you can check out $2.20's Mile Bay or Gaseous Stranger's Pittsburgh/Rochester builds.
Thanks !! I will have a watch this weekend :)