If you win against higher MMR opponents, you will get more MMR; if you lose, you will lose less than if you played against your ELO.
Similarly, if you have a higher MMR and lose to someone with a lower MMR, you will lose more MMR.
TFT: Teamfight Tactics
Teamfight Tactics (TFT) is an auto battler game developed and published by Riot Games. The game is a spinoff of League of Legends and is based on Dota Auto Chess.
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All League client games ignore your rank when it comes to matchmaking and use hidden MMR. IIRC when grouped up, it takes an average MMR for the group and tilts it towards the higher end. So if you have an MMR of 100 and your buddy is 200, it might lump you two together as 160ish. Ranked gains and losses are modified by your MMR compared to your rank, but the intent is to bring your rank in-line with your MMR, never vice versa, and the matchmaking doesn't consider your rank.