Autopilot “is not a self-driving technology and does not replace the driver,” Tesla said in response to a 2020 case filed in Florida. “The driver can and must still brake, accelerate and steer just as if the system is not engaged.”
Tesla's terminology is so confusing. If "Autopilot" isn't self-driving technology, does that mean it's different from "Full Self Driving"? And if so, is "Full Self Driving" also not a self-driving technology?
Depends on the autopilot. There are some that are as rudimentary as a "wing leveler." They only have control of the ailerons and can level the wings and maybe make turns. Other systems have control of all three major control axes and are integrated with the navigation systems so they can do things like climb to an altitude and level off, turn to a heading, or even fly holds and approaches.
They do require training on the part of the pilot to use in flight.
Tesla's terminology is so confusing. If "Autopilot" isn't self-driving technology, does that mean it's different from "Full Self Driving"? And if so, is "Full Self Driving" also not a self-driving technology?
The term autopilot comes from aviation, where the only kind of problem resolution an autopilot does is turning itself off.
Other than that, it just flies from checkpoint to checkpoint.
Depends on the autopilot. There are some that are as rudimentary as a "wing leveler." They only have control of the ailerons and can level the wings and maybe make turns. Other systems have control of all three major control axes and are integrated with the navigation systems so they can do things like climb to an altitude and level off, turn to a heading, or even fly holds and approaches.
They do require training on the part of the pilot to use in flight.
Yeah, but even the best ones would happily crash into a mountain if the pilots don't set their altimeters properly (and ignore the terrain warnings).
Are you sure that it is happy? Maybe the autopilot is really sad about its inability to not fly into a mountain.
Hard to say, it might depend on the plane model. I've heard that Boeing 777s autopilots are really snarky.