this post was submitted on 21 Mar 2024
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Lots of characters in the background of this one -- e.g. Rider, Saber, and Tohsaka from Fate/Stay Night, Astro Boy, etc. I'm not sure who the characters are on the front of the cart (where it says この before being cut off) or directly behind Konata's bags though.
Good catch, I'd completely missed them at first glance. As for the unidentified characters, I'm reading the former as a K-On spoof and the latter as Evangelion.
I thought it might be Mugi at first for the blonde haired character, but この and me misremembering the date K-On came out threw me off I guess. Looking at it again, I think you're right -- and early 2009 would be spot on for an ad in Japan.
I haven't seen Evangelion but looking through a list of characters the blue haired character there could be Rei.
The characters at the front makes me think of K-ON personally