MessengerPi - A LoRa messenger and walkie-talkie based on Raspberry Pi RP2040
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dragontamer's Beginner Guides:
Beginner Series I: What is a Microcontroller?
Beginner Series II: The "Generic" Microcontroller
Beginner Sidenote: Microchip's Signal Chain Design Guide
Beginner Series III: Skills and Complexity Tiers
Beginner Series IV: Deep Dive into Microchip's AVR EA
Looking at the specs and discussion on Reddit where the Dev became hostile I'd be starting the hell away from this.
50milliwat transmitter with CD tone audio? 470+ MHz transmitter, but uses FRS frequencies?
Evening this offers had been done before.
If the Dev want hostile and bullshitting, trying to pass this off as some new thing I think they could actually sell a few of these to people that want something ready built or want to learn about LoRa.
But there is still the issue that the voice side of this will be illegal just about everywhere.
What makes voice over LoRa illegal?
Nothing... But with this device the voice part isn't going over LoRa. It's going over a 50mW 470MHz to 520MHz (their claim) Thing is FRS is actually 462 and 467MHz... so.. could be a mistake or they could actually be not using FRS frequencies at all.
Additionally they don't appear to have any FCC approvals which would also make it illegal.
So... Misinformation, low power, wrong frequencies, bogus range claims, bogus audio quality claims and no FCC approval is a bit of an issue.
Add to that the Dev posting out on Reddit and then getting hostile when people ask questions. Not ideal.