this post was submitted on 11 Sep 2023
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PrePub - Ascendance of a Bookworm
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- Ascendance of a Bookworm
- Honzuki no Gekokujou
- 『本好きの下剋上』
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G-book acquired.
In an ebook on a tablet… but book is book.
So the foolish Ferdinand barged into Grutrissheit acqusition circle by brute force. Refused to accept Mestionoras knowledge. Refused to become the Zent and hid in Ehrenfest temple.
I wonder in what bizarre way, Rozemyne will extract the knowledge from Ferdinand. (I guess by printing some books)
I think I will re-read Part 2. I have heard that there are some spicy details in there regarding dyeing someone in their mana.
Edit: rozmyne truly ascended to new heights (literally)
I might do the same with a single question in mind, can I ship Rozemyne and Ferdinand now?