this post was submitted on 31 Jul 2023
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So it's eugenics to say that incest is bad?
Most incest involves rape. Prohibitions are sensible.
Bans on breeding based on a belief of genetic inferiority of potential offspring is eugenics. Don't do that.
2 week old post, dude.
Til demonstrable facts are merely "beliefs" now. I don't care how old the post is, your idiocy is timeless.
Are you legitimately saying eugenics is something OTHER than controlling who can breed based on belief of genetic superiority/inferiority of their offspring?
Time to accept that you are a little bit of a eugenicist. I wonder what other people you think should be banned from having kids because of possible hereditary issues? I bet a lot of your beliefs are based on pretty flimsy knowledge of those factors, which is always how it is with eugenicists.