this post was submitted on 05 Aug 2023
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Use the snapdragon w5 gen 1, no more tensor on the wearables for now.

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[–] flossdaily 11 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) (7 children)


I jumped into smartwatches back with the Asus Zenwatch. It was fun but terrible UI, terrible battery life, terrible processing speed. It spent most of its life in my dresser drawer.

A couple years ago, I got the Samsung watch 4, and it was a whole different story. Snappy. Great UI. Great battery life.

I haven't seen any killer features that would make me upgrade or change brands to a new watch yet. UWB Is definitely cool, and I love to see competition, and I'm definitely open to upgrading, but even 2 generations on, in not seeing any new must-have killer features.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 11 months ago (6 children)

...Samsung watch 4, and it was a whole different story. Snappy. Great UI. Great battery life.

Do we have a different Samsung watch 4? Or a different expectation of great battery?

I got one last year, and it's my first smartwatch. It lasts one day. Having to charge it every night makes it a burden. Of it hadn't been so expensive, and if I didn't want to get the body tracking It offers, I'd simply leave it on a drawer.

My friend has a Garmin of some kind. It's bulky, but o kind of like that. He reckons his lasts nearly a week. That would be my idea of great battery.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 11 months ago (1 children)

WearOS is just a lot more taxing on the battery than what Garmin has because it does a lot more. The upside is that you get an entire ecosystem of 3rd party apps/services you can install.

Apple's own apple watch doesn't last much longer unless you basically disable everything.

Smart watches that work like a phone are inherently always going to have worse battery than smart watches that are only programmed to do a very narrow set of things.

[–] rdeets 1 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I was about to say something similar.

I have an Apple Watch Series 7. Average battery life is ~30 hours. Less if it runs on LTE instead of Bluetooth.

That watch is more expensive than the Galaxy Watch 4. At launch and second hand.

Now you can get a good/mint condition used Galaxy Watch 4 Classic 46mm LTE for around ~$150 on Swappa. The same tier Apple Watch Series 7 on Swappa goes for ~$225 on Swappa.

And the Apple Watch doesn't even have blood pressure like the Watch 4 does. Granted, you have to do some sideloading to get it working in the States until FDA clears it, but the hardware is still there.

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