Credit Cards
A community for discussing any aspect of credit cards. It is important to pay them in full and on time. Please ask questions and contribute to the knowledge surrounding credit cards
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This is going to sound backwards but hear me out: The Amex Trifecta (Platinum, Gold, BBP) can actually be a very good combo for less frequent travel, if you can effectively use the credits. You need to be already paying for Hulu, Disney plus, and some other entertainment credit options, be able to use the uber and grubhub credits (I get pickup once a month from each and use it easily). FHR is a great option for a weekend trip if you find one in the $200-$300 range due to all the benefits.
If you can justify the (very) high AF with the credits without spending more than you normally would, you get a lot of perks that you would only get by travelling a lot otherwise (hotel/rental status, more lounge access, FHR).
Absolutely, if someone uses the credits well, the Amex cards are great! I'm just trying to be more frugal in my life, which is why I can't justify the price of said cards. And I don't eat out that much.