this post was submitted on 27 Jul 2023
16 points (94.4% liked)

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I ran a meeting today and it didn't go as well as I had hoped. My video was delayed from what I was saying, was just overall more nervous than I had hoped to be which than caused me to rush (which didn't help at all with the video delay).

I know logically I should just take this as a learning situation and do better next time. But I can't stop thinking about it. I know I'm going to go to bed tonight and think about all the things I could've done better and not get any sleep.

How do people "change the channel" in their heads?

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[–] DEngineer 5 points 2 years ago

I think most people drink or live in denial with themselves in order to cope.

A healthier way I've found is to try to think about a time where someone else screwed up at work. Think of a time when someone misspoke, got emotional, or got flustered. I have a hard time thinking of one and would be hardpressed to call-out a single story in specific. This is likely what others think of your mistake too. It only becomes an issue when you can't adjust or grow. Dust yourself off, move on, and improve for next time.

I do think this comes with a caveat. There are toxic people and workplaces. This is its own challenge but may be contributing to your stress about things. There will be people that target you and belittle you for small mistakes. Work with them to complete jobs, don't talk outside of necessity, and when you change jobs let them fade out of your life for good.