It has low-lifes living in the future, but there really isn't much high-tech and governments are still in control (not corporations). So do you consider Escape From New York to be cyberpunk?
Apparently the movie was an influence for William Gibson:
Escape from New York never made it big, but it’s been redone a billion times as a rock video. I saw that movie, by the way, when I was starting “Burning Chrome” and it had a real influence on Neuromancer.
But that doesn't immediately make it cyberpunk. After all, Gibson was also influenced by hard-boiled detective novels and that doesn't make those cyberpunk.
I could see the argument for this either way so I'm curious what your thoughts are.
It's streaming on Roku Channel and Freevee (Amazon Prime) if you haven't seen it before.
Yup. Fits that definition I’d say.
Edit: since I’ve been thinking about it, if we include Escape From LA there was that cyber world that the bad guy seduces the president’s daughter in. That was a good indication of cyber-ness.
Perhaps not high-cyberpunk, but definitely low-cyberpunk.
What technology? I don't remember much outside of a modern drop sled thingy.
I’d say the prison walls qualify.
It’s been a long while since I watched the movie, but there were some examples of high(er) tech being used. Its likely a limited budget/imagination of the times that prohibited the details.
Just walls isn't enough to make it cyberpunk 😂
It's clearly a dystopian/post-apocalyptic setting.