this post was submitted on 01 Mar 2025
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I remembered what the first picture reminded me of. "Hidamari 365 special" moment , litterally today watched.
The stars looks very nice. Sakurako and Miyako have something in common by the way.
Aah so you're watching Hidamari Sketch :)
Yep, to be honest, at first is seemed somehow difficult for moe slice, I guess because of hard transitions between frames. It have quite unique not straightforward way of storytelling, and full of native japanese jokes (in 365 less).
In spite of that I really like "Hidamari Sketch" - it's beautiful! Perhaps if there weren't specific community on lemmy, I would never have known (or notice) it, thank you very much! Today going to watch new season, I'm looking forward to new characters!
By the way, I knew that "Madoka" was written by the same author so subconsciously start to draw parallels between the characters. After all, Madoka and Sayaka were like Yuno and Miyako, they deserved to be happy too (T_T)... It's like I began to understand "Madoka Magica" way better, and now I feel even more sorry for Madoka-girls. I watched only TV-series, can't wait the last movie to be out, to watch full tetralogy.
Hidamari Sketch is one of my favorites, it's really unique and artistic. I like how slow it is. I hope you enjoy the rest of it. Madoka's character designs are based on the Hidamari girls. They even share voice actresses: Miyako-Mami, Sae-Hitomi, Hiro-Junko. Madoka is basically depressing Hidamari Sketch 🥲. In my mind the Madoka girls would have had a similar life to the Hidamari's if it wasn't for Kyuubei and the witches.