Comic Books
A place to discuss comic books of all types, from old to new, Big 2 to indie, and everything in between.
Floppies, graphic novels, compilations, omnibusses (omnibusi?) are all fair game.
There is only one rule:*
Comic Books is a no judgement zone.
You can talk all you want about how Rob Liefeld is trash, Bob Kane is an asshole, or Frank Miller and Dave Sim’s politics have made them toxic, that’s all good.
If, however, another user is LEGITIMATELY a fan of something you don’t like, that does NOT make them a lesser person. Attack the art for being bad, not the person for being a fan of bad art.
* I lied. There are TWO rules... No piracy. Cover shots? That's good. Interior pages, in moderation? Sure. Full books? Links to pirate sites? That's how we get things shut down. :(
I'm not saying it's been a problem, because it hasn't been.
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Damn this looks pretty badass
It is, I just finished reading it twice, first in the original black and white and the new edition in color.
It's clearly very early Tim Sale but there are some brilliant pages in there.
The story warns in 1991 what 1999 could be like, and it's just as relevant in 2025.
"Economic ruthlessness is a respected American business tradition, but it's wasteful and based on the assumption that we will always find more resources to plunder: More land, more oil, more young people to drive by flight or fight pressure tactics in maximum short-term productivity. Burn all you want, we'll make more...
The problem with that assumption is that it breaks down. One man, one machine, one bank, one economy, one planet at a time.
Because when one of us is so diminished, we all are."