this post was submitted on 18 Jan 2025
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It's ironic that the EFF proposes its own set of severe restrictions as the better alternative to age verification laws. How about not restricting the internet at all?
Which severe restrictions do you mean? The linked article talks mostly about gdpr-like privacy protection stuff, no?
I'm not sure I'm entirely on board with GDPR but (unless I'm very confused) the EFF's proposal would go further than that.
The proposal would deliberately destroy the business model of large tech companies, which would make a lot of users (most Americans on the internet) quite unhappy and lead to their use of foreign services that don't have to obey any US law (which is what we're seeing with the TikTok ban).
Then there's
"Strictly necessary" is quite a high bar to clear. Does even a non-commercial website like a Lemmy instance currently satisfy that criterion? Would you be willing to risk running an instance if that meant that anyone who disagreed could sue you?