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Ok I see a couple problems with the build. For Nova, its better to go for a more balanced build, because she can use all of the stats.
First, Id recommend to go for 2 augments: Neutron star and Molecular fission. Why? These 2 augments synergize extremely well with each other. With only Stretch, thats 23m radius seeking radius when recasting with Null star, and all the enemies hit are procced with heat and primed. So the gameplay is just keep recasting 1 when you have less than 90% damage reduction, and thats enough to prime all the enemies nearby, which means you only need to cast her 4 occasionally. This is very energy efficient.
Secondly, since you dont cast 4 as often, Archon stretch is more than enough to keep your energy up. You can safely ignore energy. Zenurik can help if you still have trouble.
Thirdly, Nova is very tanky with 90% damage reduction. Add Adaptation and shes very unlikely to go down. So I recommend go for shield tanking instead, as both her damage reduction and Adaptation apply to shield. With Arcane aegis and Guardian from companion, you can tank very comfortably.
So the build would look something like this: Aura: this is flexible. Id say either Growing power or Corrosive projection, but its up to you. Definitely not Dreamers bond though. Exilus: either Primed sure footed, Preparation, or Handspring as the last resort. 2 augments: Neutron star and Molecular Fission. Adaptation for survivability. Archon Stretch for range and energy. Primed Continuity. Arcane: Arcane aegis + Molt efficiency. Focus school: either Zenurik or Madurai. Unairu is good if you dont have Primed sure footed.
Which leaves you with 3 flex slots. You only need 50% strength to max her 4, which is easy with 3 slots and archon shards. For a non archon shard build, you can go for Intensity, Augur secrets, and Natural talent. This should be a well rounded build.
Bonus: Ocucor is good, or any strong secondary. Its a strong weapon, but the reason its good is because of Secondary fortifier. Nova is already tanky, but with overguard from Fortifier, you are pretty much immortal.
Hmm, I should try shield tanking on her, another user also said it's superior for her. However doesn't that mean we're losing out on archon vitality + neutron star synergy?
I use ocucor already, it's pretty fun but I'm using a cascadia flare build, I'd have to look into other builds for fortifier. It was always difficult to get it started on higher levels without it.
Thanks for the answer, I have most of the recommendations here so I'll give this build a try and see how it works in a real scenario. I doubt I'll have survivability issues with adaptation and constant null star uptime (even without primed redirection) and the more balanced stats will probably lead to a more consistent performance too.
Archon vitality is usually a trap. It sounds really good on paper, but in reality, there are only a few cases where its worth. Dont get me wrong, its really good when it works, but not in this case.
In order for it to be worth, you need to be able to proc heat like a dozen times/sec or proc a very strong heat instance. Neither is the case with Neutron star. Heat only procs once on recast and its damage is not boosted by ability strength. Think of the heat proc as a free -50% armor rather than a damage dealer.
Regarding Ocucor, I see your point that it could be hard on higher level to ramp up. Luckily, this is warframe and we have many ways to boost it.
Heat is actually not good in this case. Heat is the best when it comes to single target damage, but Ocucor is an aoe weapon and as such, we should focus more on aoe. I recommend a gas build. Your goal is to kill groups of enemies not a single one; gas will outperform heat easily. (Not to mention because of heat inherit, its not a good idea to run heat, since the first proc is weak but I digress…)
The problem with gas is that it doesnt perform very well against armor, so you should add some armor strip to your build. For casual armor stripping, Id recommend Jade‘s Ophanim eyes. Long duration, minimal effort to keep up just not the fastest strip.
Then you can offload viral to your companion for more damage.
For gas, its also a good idea to run a bane mod, because gas triple dip faction damage. Might be annoying to swap around, but for endurance run, its worth it.
Grouping is another way to take advantage of the gas cloud. For passive grouping run Nautilus.
About Redirection, I gave you 3 flex spots for that exact reason. Just put w/e mods you like. You might want to put on a couple strength shards to reach 50% strength though. Power drift can also be slotted if needed.