this post was submitted on 29 Nov 2024
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It's been 2 years since I've had stomach issues, especially puking. 2 years ago I went to the ER and they didn't even care I went home with a prescription to check my liver but a doctor didn't even examine me. At the time I was smoking which I thought was the cause back then, but then I kept puking since I stopped (I am still cigarettes free, no vape, no nicotine, no weed, no anything) and feeling something weird in my stomach. My liver results came back okay. Then at my second go to the ER 1 year ago the doctor said I might have an ulcer because of the meds I take and go check with my GP to have an appointment I said to her my GP was brushing off my problems saying they came from my weight gain so she wrote a letter to him but : My GP didn't really care and brushed it off again and gave me anti reflux medication.

I said that to my psychiatrist she pretended not to understand saying "well none of the medication I give you cause puking" (I am on a lot of meds)

Yesterday since 3 days ago I was puking pink, signs of blood. I called the ER to know if it was an emergency or if I could wait for the December 4th, the appointment with my doctor. They told me to find a doctor today, which I did. He told me the blood is irritation since I've been puking a lot but the puking might come from my meds and I should stop them for a while to see if that's really the problem. He is the second doctor suggesting my meds are causing my gastrointestinal problems, I don't even know how to bring this up with my psychiatrist because she didn't listen to me the first time and I am sure she would be against stopping my meds for a while. The thing is in my country she is a part of a free mental health hospital and I can't afford to go to another psychiatrist. I don't know how to taper off healthily myself but man I am tired of this system where nobody takes me seriously.

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[–] jordanlund 6 points 1 month ago (3 children)

NGL - it's been rough! Lots of complications, including a 2nd heart attack and random incidents where my heart would just STOP up to 8 seconds at a time, but I think I'm out the other side now.

[–] jeanmarielepain 5 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I feel bad upvoting this but this is a support upvote not an happy one. I am sorry you're going through this, it takes a strong person to survive all that. Are you younger than the general pop having heart attacks?

[–] jordanlund 6 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Yeah, I was 49 when I had the first one + the open heart surgery, then 54 for the 2nd one, that one got stented.

Years ago docs diagnosed me with three congenital restrictions in my heart, so we knew they were lurking. 3rd one is in a super hard to reach place so the plan is to do nothing.

[–] jeanmarielepain 5 points 1 month ago

My whole heart goes out to you. I am sorry.