I look forward to working with the Trump Administration on fulfilling his promise to cap credit card interest rates at 10%.
We cannot continue to allow big banks to make record profits by ripping off Americans by charging them 25 to 30% interest rates.
That is usury.
Traditionally for Christians (although this is associated perhaps with Muslims more today) all interests on loans was considered to be usury, I think.
Catholicism attempted to clarify some "nuances" on the teachings in the 1500s, here's the Catholic encyclopedia on the topic: https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/15235c.htm
Honestly I don't get the "nuances" so I advocate ideally for no interests on loaning (which is morally allowed, but possibly at a loss). Jesus even advocates as an ideal (not required) to loan without even expecting the principal back:
"But love ye your enemies: do good, and lend, hoping for nothing thereby" Luke 6:35
Obvious problems exist like enslaving the poor with interest-debts (like compounding credit card debt), or nations like our national "debt" (it's interest payments...)
yeah if we can get more bipartisan things done, let's work together and do it