Watch the first campaign on Twitch and YouTube any time you want!
"The Sun Tree"
The party recently had an encounter with the Briarwoods. Two individuals that were responsible for a lot of strife in the background of Percival's history. Seemingly responsible for the destruction of his entire family, and have for the past five years been essentially ruling his home city and castle. They were out for a political banquet with Sovereign Uriel in Emon and the party members of Vox Machina, they were all invited to be part of this. It didn't quite go as planned. There was a scuffle and the Briarwoods absconded back to Whitestone. They send a couple assassins out to attempt to take out their driver, who was spilling information and essentially was going to be Vox Machina's way of being free of any sort of political issues (based on their actions that evening) and after much discussion and preparation and purchasing a lot of mirrors, the party took their transit over to the east-northeast towards Whitestone, where they began to traverse the Alabaster Sierras to the north (using the mountain range as opposed to going directly through the forest).
There they managed to avoid encountering a bunch of harpies that were distracted by eating the horses they left behind. They camped for the evening and began to make their way through some sort of a mountainous valley that led in towards the forest surrounding Whitestone. While they were traveling down this pass, there was a rumbling, and some sort of really fast, rapid-moving large blue creature that leaped down in front, catching them off-guard.
As this huge, blue-scaled reptilian-like creature (with multiple arms and legs) comes skittering down the side of the cliffs, blocking off the entirety of this passage, snarling at you with sharp teeth and this sparking-blue electrical energy jutting out of the corners of its mouth. I want you all to roll initiative.

Map of Whitestone