this post was submitted on 03 Aug 2024
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Three films are currently set to be released in 2027:

  • "AVENGERS: SECRET WARS" - May 27, 2027
  • "UNTITLED MARVEL FILM 1" - July 23, 2027
  • "UNTITLED MARVEL FILM 2" - November 5, 2027
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[–] MimicJar 8 points 6 months ago (11 children)

The puts the current lineup at,

  • 2025-02-14 Captain America Brave New World
  • 2025-05-02 Thunderbolts
  • 2025-07-25 Fantastic Four First Steps
  • 2025-11-07 Blade
  • 2026-05-01 Avengers Doomsday
  • 2027-05-27 Avengers Secret Wars
  • 2027-07-23 Untitled 1
  • 2027-11-05 Untitled 2

First, four movies in one year (2025) is a lot (but doable), but more accurately Blade has a bunch of problems getting ready so it isn't happening on that date.

That leaves 2026 pretty open. We had two films between Infinity War and Endgame, one a flashback and one a setup.

Shang Chi 2 is waiting and I put it between Doomsday and Secret Wars.

We also have Spider-Man waiting, but he's done the Multiverse stuff so I would bet he is out of this story.

Armor Wars is the last film waiting, but it's also been a TV show at some points. I'm not counting on it.

I wouldn't be super surprised if we find a way to get a new Doctor Strange with Wanda somehow. The Multiverse is over after secret wars so we could use Strange to help wrap things up. I think the Agatha Harkness show is going to set up Wanda's return, so a new Doctor Strange + Clea + Wanda + Agatha would be fun.

Finally out new untitled movies are definitely mutant movies. I don't know who will be first but that's what those placeholders are.

[–] thisisdee 2 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Does Thunderbolts being in the May slot mean they're confident that this can be their summer blockbuster? I'm pretty excited if that's the case, mostly because it has great actors and I have no idea what the movie will be about.

[–] MimicJar 2 points 5 months ago (1 children)

I assume Fantastic Four being in the July slot makes that the blockbuster.

[–] thisisdee 2 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Ah, I thought the May slot was the "bigger" one (like all the Avengers films previously). 2 movies in the same summer is a lot though, especially with the high expectation of Fantastic Four

[–] MimicJar 2 points 5 months ago

The May slot is still definitely a big one too.

You're right about July being smaller historically for Marvel, they haven't really used the late July slot.

I think of it as big since last year that slot had Barbie & Oppenheimer.

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