this post was submitted on 05 Aug 2024
14 points (88.9% liked)
PrePub - Ascendance of a Bookworm
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A Space for discussing the weekly chapter releases.
Even though this is a separate community please be aware that Post titles and in some cases the first few lines of text will be displayed in the local and all feeds, so avoid spoilers there as much as possible anyway. Thanks.
- Ascendance of a Bookworm
- Honzuki no Gekokujou
- 『本好きの下剋上』
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An insert depicting the epilogue:
![Myne hugging Kamil in the scene from an epilouge](
In couple of days I will craft a survey to gather some data about how would y'all like to see the community continue. If you have some ideas please share them.
I vote having prepub as a spoiler safe zone for upcoming releases. So Manga, Short Stories, Fanbooks and the anime. While the other areas will be used for when the thing gets officially released.
Then again I haven’t run a sub so, whatever continues the conversation is good for me.
I'm not opposed to turning this into an equivalent for light novels if the community thinks that would be useful or is a good idea.