this post was submitted on 21 Jun 2024
12 points (100.0% liked)

Science Fiction

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December book club canceled. Short stories instead!

We are a community for discussing all things Science Fiction. We want this to be a place for members to discuss and share everything they love about Science Fiction, whether that be books, movies, TV shows and more. Please feel free to take part and help our community grow.

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Lemmy World Rules

founded 1 year ago

As you may have read earlier, I've taken a break. Today, I'm ready to relaunch SFSS in a new direction. I don't feel like publishing Western stories anymore, so I'm looking elsewhere.

I started with Vietnam, a country I'm particularly fond of (I spent the best year of my life there), but the SF scene there is almost non-existent and the few stories I've read aren't very good.

With the help of a Polish friend, the next few weeks will be devoted to finding good untranslated Polish stories.

Finally, if you yourself are fluent in an Eastern language and would like to collaborate with me, please don't hesitate to contact me: [email protected]

NB: any other suggestions/comments are welcome.

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[–] WMTYRO 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Check out novels written by Boris and Arkady Strugatsky! Roadside Picnic is my favorite, and spurred the creation of the STALKER video game franchise.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Thank you, I shall.