this post was submitted on 16 Jun 2024
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With global warming (and other factors) affecting coffee production and prices, I’ve noticed a couple of interesting patterns in marketing strategies for household and white label brands.

Everything is extra intense, high intensity, intensity 11 (probably comes with a free Spinal Tap record)… Robusta roasted past 5th crack, no doubt.

I also spotted a bag of highly exclusive “100% Robusta.” At this point I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop and for them to market “0% cyanide” coffee.

How’s everybody else’s grocery shopping experience these days? Is this a big trend in your area?

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[–] Taniwha420 14 points 1 week ago (23 children)

Yes. I noticed a decently reputable (but mega corp) bag of whole espresso beans... 50% robusta. I was surprised.

Everyone is right into burnt coffee for some reason too. I hear a lot of people talking about dark roasts and how they like "strong coffee".

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

Once I saw a bag of over roasted beans from a small roaster. They screwed up the process and ended up with a batch that tasted like smoke, ash and charcoal. Instead of throwing it away, they decided to sell it instead.

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