this post was submitted on 12 Jun 2024
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[–] Rottcodd 61 points 2 weeks ago (7 children)

It's so incredibly obvious that that would happen that I sincerely believe that that's part of the intent.

Not to mention that all of this noise about flavored vape juice being some sort of underhanded scheme to rope in kids is one of the most ridiculously dumbass things that I've ever seen gibbering idiots apparently sincerely claim to believe. Well - this side of Qanon at least...

When I started vaping, premixed juice was the exception rather than the rule. So what you generally bought was nicotine extract, propylene glycol and/or vegetable glycerin, AND FLAVORING. Flavoring it was the standard literally from day one.

Nicotine juice is flavored and has been flavored all along for two very simple reasons: first and foremost because on its own, it tastes like crap, and second because everybody - not just kids but EVERYBODY - likes for things to taste good.

I am so fucking tired of assholes and idiots.

[–] militaryintelligence 4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (1 children)

This should interest you: The DARE program to keep kids off drugs, talk about drugs and vapes being bad. No mention of cigarettes

[–] Rottcodd 2 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

I didn't know that, but I'm cynically unsurprised.

A curious fact adjacent to that:

The US tobacco settlement is still ongoing. Each year, tobacco companies have to pay a particular amount of money to state governments, nominally to help offset the societal costs of smoking.

The total amount of the payments made to a specific state in a specific year depends on the number of cigarettes sold in that state the previous year. Not tobacco products in general, but cigarettes specifically.

It's safe to assume that that's relevant.

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